
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pink Saturday - Happy Birthday

When I think of Birthday's I think of the beginning. The beginning of something wonderful, something that blesses.

Like a new baby (my new great niece).............

The birth of a new flower.............

And the birth of Pink Saturday 2 years ago today.
Pink Saturday, the brain child of Beverly over at How Sweet the Sound, brings bloggers together every Saturday to share their love of pink.
Pinks range from A to Z in context, but are always bound to bring a smile, making them blessings, and most wonderful.
So to see more wonderful Pinks that are sure to bless you
Go to How Sweet the Sound
Thank you Beverly for the great blog party we get to feast at each Saturday.
Happy Birthday Pink Saturday

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pink Saturday

Good Morning all. I just realized it is Saturday and I have failed to make my post. What a busy week it has been, working full time with DH (which I am not used to doing). It has been good, but not in my normal routine. So I will keep this short.

Here is a little pink I found the other day as I drove to town.

Note: Several have asked what this flower is. It is an Evening Primrose. So sorry for leaving that info out. This one is native to Wyoming (and other place I am sure). Most are familiar with the yellow primrose. The pink is the spent flower, isn't it striking?

To join in the fun of Pink Saturday visit Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound

Friday, May 14, 2010

Pink Saturday - Embroidery

Happy Pink Saturday

My post today is about embroidery. These are samplings of some of my work. Enjoy.
To see more of my work you can visit my quilting blog @ Big Horn Mountain Creations.

Congratulations Beverly on the birthday milestone of Pink Saturday (on May 29). Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday. Visit How Sweet the Sound to enjoy the party.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Pink Saturday in Wyoming

Happy Pink Saturday


Happy Mothers Day

Hope this post finds everyone well. I wanted to share some things from around my home here in Wyoming

First a beautiful Pink sunset, taken from our property. The sunsets are beautiful, especially when there are over cast skies.

I love the red (pink) hills that are all over our valley. I took these colors as inspiration for my Log Cabin quilt (still in the works)..

Evening primrose.....most have seen the yellow ones (which are the medical ones by the way), but this is another form. When the flower opens it is a soft almost white pink and as it ages it gets pinker, the really pink are the spent flowers.

Then we have the Indian Paint Brush, which is the state flower of Wyoming.

I hope you have enjoyed seeing a bit of Wyoming. Please visit Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound where you will find more pink posts.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Today in Wyoming

This morning we woke up to 3 inches of heavy wet snow. Large snow flakes flying all about.
So I thought I get a few pictures to share (and for proof), since the south is having 90 degree weather today. LOL.

Need a little more wood for the stove.

Plants cozy in the greenhouse with the snow piling up outside. Here it is stuck in the chicken wire that will support my tomatoes later on.

Thought this was a fun picture

Love this one and how the snow is piling up on this, which holds my gazing ball.

As of this posting the snow has stopped, the sun is brighter, so the clouds have thinned. Soon it will be melting off and all the pretty clean white will give way to icky sticky mud. Icicles are forming along the roof line.

Spring in Wyoming, you just never know what you will get. They say if you don't like the weather, just wait 15 minutes.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Give A Ways

Do you love things glittery, things from the ocean? You must go over and check out the give-a-way going on at Tales of and OC Cottage.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pink Saturday Pinks

Happy Pink Saturday!!!!!!!!!

Is it like winter at your house, it sure is around here. We had snow yesterday, thru this morning, nothing stuck though. Now the wind is blowing and it is cold, we have the wood stove going once again.

My Pinks today are...a beautiful dish that belonged to my Grandma Hardwick
, can you see the sweet birds on the edge of the bowl. I don't know anything about it as far a design is concerned. All I know is I love it and it is very special because it was my grandma's.

This next piece is one I could not resist at one of the antique shops I loved to visit at our old location. It is not is perfect condition, but that is ok, I love it anyway. I don't know this pattern either, but then again, I have not researched it.

I hope you have enjoyed these Pinks for more Pink posts visit Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound
Thank you Bev for hosting us each week, we love our Pink.