
Friday, September 24, 2010

Pink Saturday - Quilting

Happy Pink Saturday  All ya'll

I thought I would share the quilt I have been working on.
This is only part of it, there are 3 more rows to add.
I want to invite you to visit my other blog
I am giving a blow by blow on the construction of this quilt, 
I took the "Process Pledge" so am
sharing the process of making this beauty.
If you think it has been easy, you might want to see how it has thrown me for a loop by visiting
my other blog  here
and either get a good laugh, or feel sorry for me.  Grin.

May God Bless you richly.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Pink Saturday - Necklace

Happy Pink Saturday

I wanted to feature one of our Pink Saturday posters.
I visited Nancy's blog  Gracie Jewellery a couple of weeks ago.
I was doing my PS rounds,  I try to visit at least 15 to 20 blogs each PS and I had not been to 
Gracie Jewellery in a month or so.
Nancy's jewelry is so pretty, I have been admiring the pieces.  
When I saw that Nancy's hubby was layed off
 I decided that maybe I could help a little by  getting one of her gorgeous necklaces.

What a treat, this Rhodocrosite necklace is.... so beautiful
I am sorry that this picture does not do it justice.  
It is such a soft pink, with a  beautiful silver chain.
I wanted to tell you about her beautiful jewelry, go check them out.
I saw many I just love, and am thinking I may need another one.

So please go and visit Nancy, see her wonderful work.
Maybe you too, can have a beautiful gift for yourself or someone on you gift list
and help this family.
After all isn't that what friends do, help and support each other.

Blessings to Nancy and family.
Don't forget to visit the other Pink Saturday bloggers
thank you to Beverly for hosting this even every Saturday.
We love Pink

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pink Saturday

Today is a day for family
I am sorry my post is late,
I spent last evening instant mailing with my 8 year old grandson
I had not thought of a post then, but
last night...or rather at 3 this morning
I decided on a post,
when I got up (very late)
Tristian was IMing me again so we have been 
So today for my 9/11 post, I want to encourage you
to spend as much time as possible with the ones you love, for
we do not know how long each of us has on this earth.

God Bless each of you to overflowing
Visit Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound to 
find a list of others who love Pink and 
who are honoring those who have died for this country.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Pink Saturday - Playing with glass

Happy Pink Saturday
and a Happy Labor Day

I have been playing with glass! 
Several years ago I started tumbling broken glass in my rock polisher
it turns out looking like sea glass.
So I decided the other night to make some of these
these are fun.
What do you think?
I think I am going to hang some from a branch
and I was thinking they would make pretty Christmas ornaments.
Any other ideas?

Happy Pink Saturday everyone,
Visit Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound
for more pink posts
God's blessings to you and yours
and for our nation.