
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pantry Organization Part 3

Pantry Organization Part 3

Now to the canned food shelves.  
I have been looking for a way to take care of the canned 
good, other then stacking.
Found these at Pantry Maid
They are perfect, now all oldest cans are at the front
bottom, no having to rearrange all the cans to put newest in the back.
I bought 4, they are about $20.00 each (including shipping) and
are made in America.
You will note in the above picture that some products, bought 
by the case come in a nice dispenser box, so
I am using those as well.  It will be time
before I can get anymore or perhaps 
talk DH into making me some, not that he has anything else to do.

Look how nice that is
Ok, Blogger is not letting me finish this the way I want.
Thank you for stopping by and seeing my pantry venture.
I had some more to show you but it is getting to frustrating.
May have to consider moving my blogs if they can't get this taken care of.
God Bless you all

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Reorginzation Part 2

Turning Blue?

I hope you have not been holding your breath
until my next post.

Some more of the make over/reorganization of
the pantry.
This cabinet has held my wrapping paper, mailing boxes
and just a host of things.
  Still can see my year books, in the corner.
I had this full of fabric, craft books and other sewing things,
now that they are all moved upstairs, it became a stash it out of site place.
 I started putting extra kitchen stuff in here but
it is not neat. 

wrapping supplies

Now with the addition of  3 shelves
what a difference.  Still the same items, from
the before pic, just better use of space. 
The candle sticks, lamp, and a few other
items are out of here now, they came to live here during Christmas.
Still room to spare, too.
I would like pull out drawers, but that is to expensive for now
so instead I am using a strawberry flat to hold so table linens.
Someday, I hope to have a wrapping center, but for now it is still in here.
Except the bows are now in here also, instead of on top of another cabinet in the room.

This next cabinet is my herb cabinet


Phase 1
much better.....with the addition
of two new shelves things are better
But still alot of my herbs are in plastic bags
great for shipping, but not so much for storage.
(down on the third shelf, I know they are hard to see).
So instead of tossing all those extra jars I had
I put the herbs in the jars, labeled, so much better.
Bottom shelf, veggie seeds and more herbs.  LOL.

Up next..........can this be any better?
I ordered something for here, what could it be?

Just to let you know what is coming up
Finishing up the stairwell I started in January 2011
see that post here.

Thank you for visiting.  May God bless you and your family richly

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Reorginzation Part 1


Finally I was able to upload some pictures
of my reorganization project.

Some before pictures

Yes, I am sorry to say it was quite a mess, 
a dumping ground.
Now mind you this is only 1of the cabinets that I
had to deal with.  
First was to get all like items together, then
to find them a new home.
 You will notice a new shelf in the top of this cabinet
this is where the OTC meds now live.  
I will have to show you where they used to live in another post
if, blogger will let me post pictures.
Also note that there are 2 new shelves.
Now all of my soaping supplies are together.
the candles are on one shelf 
jars (canning and otherwise) are on the
bottom two lower left.  

I keep going in and looking at the new
arrangement, it is so much nicer.  
I have 3 more before and after cabinets to share,
as well as some other spots
I am not completely done, I am waiting for my 
Pantry Maid items to arrive then I can redo my canned food area.
Stay tuned.

God's blessing to you and yours.