
Sunday, March 1, 2009

A day of sewing

I don't have any decorating tid bits to share but thought you'd like to see Miss Mew's sewing adventures.

She was helping me sew the curtains for the bedroom (which I will share next time). the bobbin full?

I don't think you have this threaded right Mom, let me help goes this way right?......
oops the thread came out.

Yep, the lights looks like it is working just fine.

Oh how I love this rotary cutter, especially this little pillow you have on it.

Come on now, lets play.

I am not sure that the ruler is right, are you sure that is an inch.

What is under here, oh my...........Mom, did you see the dust bunnies under here?

This is what happens to a kitten after a very busy days work of sewing.


Oh, thank you for coming over, please leave me a note so I will know you visited. May your day be filled with blessings.