
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pink Saturday - The Miracle Party


Guideposts' Makeover Reveal Video! Be a Design Angel & Help Out -- 

Enter the GIVEAWAYS over at The Katillac Shack

Kelee says

Please stop by and see the premiere of this inspiring makeover project for Colette, a cancer patient. I will also be showing glorious "before & after" photos of many of the DIY projects in the makeover -- like the angel mural shown above -- in this little "sneak peek" of the room. I can hardly wait for you to see every transformed corner in the "healing room" we created.

So please go over to see the video and pictures and join in the party.

Kelee asked us to share an uplifting story or place.

In our world today things are pretty tense, it is hard to find a place that makes you forget about what is happening around us. 

For us, I think we have found that place.

We went up into the mountains this last weekend and it was like everything was right with the world.  All the stress we have been feeling melted away as we were enveloped by God's creation, the smell of the air, you could even taste the pine in your mouth as you took a deep breath.  The sky was so amazing.  

Isn't it beautiful,  it was hard to come back down to the valley.

These mountains are unspoiled, no paved roads or resorts, no shops, only nature.

A few years ago in the fall I was able to go on a hike with several others, look at these colors.  We feel very blessed to live here at the foot of the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming.   I tell you, for me this is where I get the clearest feeling of God's presents.

And in the winter

From a couple different years, trips up the mountain in early December to get our Christmas tree.   It is just like a Christmas card picture.  God is so amazing.  I love using His creation for color inspiration for my quilts, and you can see why.

Some wild flowers

Thank you for going up into the mountains with me, I hope you enjoyed it.

Please go over to see Kelee @ The Katillac Shack

and see the Awesome Miracle Makeover 

and see how you can help with another Miracle Makeover.

Also, visit Beverly at

Pink Saturday

  for more Miracle posts and Pink Saturday posts. 


  1. Beautifully said, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  2. Lovely mosaics of the miracle of nature Gail ;) So happy to be part of this wonderful PS and the Miracle Makeover. Be sure to hop on over and say hello and let me know if you'd like to be in my giveaway as well. I'm leaving comments everywhere...regardless of the $5.00 max amount :)
    Fondly, Roberta

  3. Hi Gail!

    HappyPS! Thank-you for this beautiful post. I love the mountains too and you have taken me there!

    I so appreciate your being on the Miracle Party team!

    Thank-you for the kindness!

    Love to you Gail!

    Kelee Katillac

  4. Hi,

    Oh my goodness - what a beautiful post. Your photographs are lovely.
    Thank you for being a Blog Angel and participating in the Miracle Makeover party.
    Blessings and Hug,

  5. Wonderful mosaics to celebrate the beauty of healing. Happy Miracle weekend.

  6. Hi Gail,

    Oh my goodness - your photographs are beautiful and really show the miracle of nature.

    Thank you for being a Blog Angel and participating in the Miracel Makover weekend. Wow - what a wonderful event.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog the other day. It's nice to "meet" you.

    Your photo collages are beautiful!!

    I have been to Wyoming several times, as we live in Idaho. (We moved here in the mid 2000's, from Florida...we want to move home). Anyhow, we have been to Yellowstone/Grand Tetons and over to Cody several times. Such beautiful country. I'm not sure where you are in relation to that, but I'm sort of thinking the Sheridan area is where the Big Horn Mountains are (I COULD get a map to look, but I'm too lazy to get up.)

    Anyhow, thank you for sharing your beautiful photos.


  8. What beautiful photos of nature and all the stages of the seasons. Lovely mosiacs - you have captured the seasons beautifully!


  9. Happy Pink Saturday, Gail. Thank you for making Pink Saturday special, and for taking part in this day of celebration and thanks.

    There truly are miracles going on all around us every day. We just have to open our hearts in acceptance.

    Thank you for sharing the inspiration and peace you find in the mountains with us.

    I'm still hoping to reach my goal of 200 comments by midnight tonight.


Oh, thank you for coming over, please leave me a note so I will know you visited. May your day be filled with blessings.